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Selection image of Cor Vision Plus Selection image of Cor Vision Plus Selection image of Cor Vision Plus


Technical Details

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The greatness of minimalism is reflected in this sliding system of large dimensions with sashes of up to 4 meters, interlock sightline of only 25 mm and frames embedded in the perimeter, allowing for a glazed surface of up to 94%. It has a maximum glazing capacity of 56 mm, offering excellent

Thermal and acoustic performances. Available with manual (up to 400 kg) or motorized (up to 700 kg) opening system. Additionally, accessibility is favoured by the possibility of hiding the rail and even integrating it fully into the floor.

  • High thermal & acoustic performance
  • Up to 4 by 4 m per panel
  • Motoriced version
  • 25 mm interlock
  • Hidden track possibility
bfrc-rating diagram bfrc-rating security-test drainage-subcills
U Value
Double Glazing

Uw from 1.3 (W/m²K)

Triple Glazing

Uw ≥ 0.9 (W/m²K)

Acoustic Insulation
Rw up to 43 dB
Air Permeability
Class 4
Water Tightness
Class 7A* / 9A**
Wind Resistance
Class C3* / C4**
U Value
Acoustic Insulation
Air Permeability
Water Tightness
Wind Resistance